Corporate Announcement

37th AGM Proceedings.pdf
37th AGM Voting results.pdf
Intimation of the Board Meeting dated 14.11.2022_.pdf
38th AGM Proceeding.pdf
38th AGM Voting Results_ATLANTIC 2023.pdf
CGR non-applicability_30.09.2023.pdf
Non-Applicability of CGR.pdf
Non-Applicability of CGR.pdf
Non-applicability CGR Certificate_31.12.2023.pdf
Disclosure Under Reg_30_11.03.2024.pdf
Non-applicability CGR Certificate_31.03.2024.pdf
Non-Applicability of Annual secretarial Compliance Report_31.03.2024.pdf
Intimation of closure of trading window_30.06.2024.pdf
Non-applicability of Disclosure under Reg. 27_CGR_30.06.2024.pdf
Intimation for Board Meeting dated 14.08.2024.pdf
Intimation under Regulation 30_Cessation of ID_Priya Dhingra.pdf
39th Voting Results_Atlantic.pdf
Intimation under Regulation 30_Cessation of ID_Priya Dhingra.pdf
Intimation under Regulation 30_Re-appointment of ID_YRS.pdf
Intimation under Regulation 30_Statutory auditor.pdf
Proceeding of 39th AGM.pdf
Non-Applicability of CGR_31.12.2024.pdf
32nd AGM and Book Closure and evoting dates - Atlantic Commercial.pdf
Voting Results of 29th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company .pdf
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